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  • Ai transcripties en samenvattingen

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    Smart and Engaging Meetings in the Hybrid World

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    Training masterclass meetings

    Turmoil in the boardroom!

    Training masterclass meetings

    Kick all the stuffy meetings out of the office!

    Training masterclass meetings

    Smart and Engaging Meetings in the Hybrid World

    Training masterclass meetings

    Do we dare to say what we think?

    Training masterclass meetings

    Software training

    “If convenience, structure and speed are what you need before during and after your meetings, then Topical is the right tool for you. PvdA Heerenveen is very content user!”

    Doede Pool
    Board member, PvdA

    “We are happy that more and more internal teams are using Topical. This is partly because the software works easily and intuitively. This way we save a lot of time and effort and still comply with the reporting obligation.”

    Another happy Topical customer - meeting innovation - meeting management software
    Ursula Horsfall
    Management assistent, De KinderKliniek


    What our users say

    We don't document everything that is discussed, but focus on the actions. The actions are consistently followed up on with the software.

    Dave van den Akker


    Kickstart your Meetings

    Structure your meetings and automate follow-up's. Try it for free for 30 days without any obligation!